Job Control

Job Control

I’m using this term to refer to starting, communicating with and otherwise controlling external processes. There are a few options available, with different trade offs.

Vim system or systemlist

It is possible to use the Vim system or systemlist APIs.

local result = vim.fn.system("ls")
if vim.api.nvim_get_vvar("shell_error") != 0 then
    -- Error handling.
    -- Success handling.

The drawbacks are:

  1. Neovim will be paused while the external process completes execution.

Vim jobstart

The Neovim job control API is available in Lua like so:


However, at the moment, it is unable to accept the second parameter that allows callbacks to be configured. There is an open issue, neovim/7607.

Lua popen

local handle = io.popen("ls")
local result = handle:read("*a")

The drawbacks are:

  1. It isn’t straightforward to capture the result code of the process execution. Stackoverflow Discussion

  2. It isn’t straightforward to capture the stdout and stderr.

  3. Neovim will be paused while the external process completes execution.

Networking, Communication and Job Control

How to use Neovim to send a message to a Running Neovim instance

nvim --noplugin --cmd "lua vim.fn.rpcrequest(vim.fn.sockconnect('pipe', '/var/folders/nh/lwpxl66111j103y85rw0kdvw0000gn/T/nvimNdff2D/0', { rpc = true }), 'nvim_command', ':e ~/.zshrc')" --cmd "q" --headless